How do we honor the paradox of our interdependence with the world as unique individuals in this lifetime?

How do we remember our inherent belonging to the earth and cultivate an ongoing practice of reciprocal connections with all of its inhabitants?

How do we embrace neutrality as pathways into the mystery of life?

These questions lie at the heart of our explorations in Deep Spirit Medicine.

Deep Spirit Medicine is a 6-week foundational energy cultivation course.

It is an experience designed to guide you to:

  • listen to your inner guidance

  • develop clear perception

  • cultivate reciprocal relationships with the world around you.

Through guided meditation and communal discussions, this course seeks to build a foundational practice and framework for intuitive development.

Over the years, I have come to understand that the practices and frameworks outlined in Deep Spirit Medicine form the heart of my practice as a mystic, an astrologer, a facilitator, and a human. It is foundational to everything I do.

In teaching astrology and in private mentorship, I find that this work serves as the fertile soil upon which a fruitful spiritual practice can grow out of.

This work was developed by my teacher and mentor, Deborah Kremins, who also trained me to teach this work. I'm grateful for her guidance and I'm honored to share this work with you.


Throughout our time together, we’ll be exploring tools and frameworks to remember and further develop the innate human abilities to sense and perceive energy.

Some of the practices include:

  • grounding

  • running earth and life force energies

  • accessing internal neutrality

  • sensing and shifting the energetic field around our physical bodies

  • connecting with our spirit guides

  • communicating on a spirit level

  • exploring energetic agreements.

Each live session will consist of a guided meditation, exposition of essential concepts, and class discussions.


We will meet for 6 consecutive weeks through July - August 2024.

The live meetup dates are as follows:

  • Thursday July 18, 2024 at 8-10 PM EST

  • Tuesday July 23, 2024 at 8-10 PM EST (note that this is our ONLY Tuesday class)

  • Thursday Aug 1, 2024 at 8-10 PM EST

  • Thursday Aug 8, 2024 at 8-10 PM EST

  • Thursday Aug 15, 2024 at 8-10 PM EST

  • Thursday Aug 22, 2024 at 8-10 PM EST

This round of Deep Spirit Medicine will be limited to 20 participants.


For $444, you will receive access to:

  • Replays of all live sessions (current and prior cohorts)

  • Future iterations of Deep Spirit Medicine facilitated by Jonathan (both live access and replays)

  • A self-paced, pre-recorded audio version of Deep Spirit Medicine

  • Reflection prompts for your own private studies and contemplations


This container could be right for you if…

  • You are a spiritual practitioner of any level, either practicing for yourself or professionally, and you’re seeking to build a solid foundation for your practice

  • You are a creator or creative of any kind who would like to be more in touch with the flow of your intuition and to get out of your own way

  • You are a relational human being who would like to access deeper harmony and more rooted care in your relationships with family, with friends, with the world around you, while releasing conditioning that holds you back

  • You are a seeker or a mystic looking to hone your intuition and access your spiritual compass

This container might not be a good fit for you if…

  • You don’t want to meditate or you don’t want to cultivate a meditation practice. Deep Spirit Medicine is a meditation-based energy cultivation tradition, so it will not work without meditating.

  • You are not interested in loosening the grips of the scientific-materialist worldview. Deep Spirit Medicine recognizes the animist perspective as a valid framework to interacting with the world.

  • You are feeling extremely fragile, deeply traumatized and dysregulated. I encourage you to seek a licensed therapist before beginning this work.

SHARON K., Indonesia

Jonathan is a very inspirational teacher. His style is, “Let me inspire you and show you how tangible and accessible energy work is!” I especially LOVE our meditation portion of the class. I come out of classes feeling ready to take on the world, and I feel very grounded.

Jonathan’s teaching style is not nurturing in a maternal way, but rather in an older brother way. He sets up the container, and then asks us to try things out and experiment.

REBECCA P., Canada

Jonathan is one of the most amazing space holders. He makes sure that everyone feels seen and brings out special details and qualities in everyone. A truly compassionate being that also brings strong knowledge and their own voice to the table.

I also find they bring in the most incredible questions which helps others to question as well. Always very interesting and engaging information. I really feel their sun in Pisces in the 7th house - so magical, inspiring and expansive!


Jonathan has a knack for making energy work accessible and intuitive, and has a lovely ability to hold space in a way that facilitates each student's growth, as well as building the collective circle. Although I've done energy work before, I learned techniques that boosted my ability to connect to my own life force energy, and found new pathways for growth.