Honoring those who taught me how to walk my path

During my training as a classical pianist in conservatory, I always wished that I could shadow a more advanced pianist during their practice session.

I was aware that mastery came from the ability to practice well: to know what to practice on, what tools to apply, how to apply them, and when to know a process was as good as I could get them to be given my current level of skill and awareness.

Likewise, I see my teachers as those who either helped open a path for me, taught me the skills and frameworks necessary to walk my path, closed a door for me, or a combination of these. Some of them are humans, others are non-humans.

Some of my teachers I know on a personal level, others I don’t - and yet their commitment to walking their path and sharing what they learned impacted me greatly.

The intention of sharing this list publicly is twofold for me:

  1. To express my gratitude for these beings and to honor their legacy. Being a teacher is joyful and hard and lifegiving and heartbreaking - all at the same time. In their own unique ways, these beings nurtured me, challenged me, held me, and expanded me. Learning from every one of these beings is a privilege that I deeply cherish.

  2. To remind myself and those reading this list that nobody does this work alone. We all come from somewhere. At some point, a human or a non-human being saw something in us we were incapable of seeing for ourselves and assisted us in cultivating it. We are all ecosystems - individually, interpersonally, and collectively.

This list of teachers is organized by alphabetical order of their last names. Where relevant, I have indicated the modality I learned from them as well as my years of formal study with them (ie. when I took courses or when I was in a formal mentorship container with them). In cases where no end date is indicated, I have either not formally completed my studies or we are in an ongoing formal mentorship.


Manhattan School of Music, 2007-2013

BMus & MMus - Classical Piano Performance

Columbia University, 2014-2016

MA - Economics


Chris Brennan, Astrology, 2020-

Brugmansia, the expander and unfurler

Julia Cameron

Pema Chödron

Marika Clymer, Energy Work, 2021-2022

John Cole, Human Design, 2023

Sarah Corbett, Herbalism, 2022-

Austin Coppock, Astrology, 2023-

Adam Ellenbaas, Astrology, 2023-

Ari Felix, Worldbuilding & Astrology, 2023-

Amanda Yates Garcia

Leah Garza, Decoloniality & Akashic Field, 2022-2023

Demetra George, Astrology, 2020-

Daniela Gil, Akashic Records, 2022

Elizabeth Gilbert

Jonathan Goldstein, Transcendental Meditation, 2019

Levi Gunardi, Piano, 2005-2007

Diana Rose Harper, Astrology, 2020-

Tilly Imansantoso, my mother

Jupiter, for everything

Alice Sparkly Kat, Astrology, 2021

Erin Kelley, Astrology

Nick Kepley, Tarot, 2022-2023

Henry Koe, my father

Sharon Koe, my sister

Gary Kuo, my partner

Mimi Kuo-Deemer, Qigong, 2023

Deborah Kremins, Energy Work, 2020-2022

Britten LaRue, Astrology, 2019-2022

Amy Lee, Human Design, 2023

Jamie Leonhart, Voice, 2019-

Natasha Levinger, Energy Work & Inner Child Healing, 2021-2022

Pilar Lesko, Energy Work, 2023-

Lindsay Mack, Tarot, 2020-2023

Wendy May, Regenerative Purpose, 2021-

Mercury, my lifelong portal opener

Francesca McCartney, Energy Work, 2022

Kelly McKay, Transcendental Meditation, 2019

Sabrina Monarch, Astrology, 2020-2022

Madison Nees, Somatics & Radical Aliveness, 2022-

Rebecca Padgett, Psychic & Mediumship

Poppy, who taught me how to love with boundaries

Red Poppy, who’s always waiting on the other side

Richard Rudd

Mary Schuch

Elisabet Setiawati, my grandmother

Erin Tack Shipley, Astrology, 2021-

Dr. Marc Silverman, Piano, 2007-2013

Kathryn Solie, Plant Spirit Communication, 2023-

Kelly Surtees, Astrology, 2020-

Melissa Tiers, Integrative Changework & Hypnosis, 2023

Krista Tippett

Eckhart Tolle

Seth Vermilyea, Tarot, 2020

Helen Vonderheide, Akashic Pathways, 2022-2023

Aidan Wachter

Nick Werber, Somatics, 2023

Benebell Wen, Tarot, I-Ching & Chinese Mysticism, 2020-2023